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Professor, National Technical University of Athens

Born in Patras in 1954. During 1973 and 1978 studied at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). During September 1978 and December 1979, he worked as an intern researcher at the Organic Chemical Technology Laboratory of NTUA. In February 1980 he was named Scientific Partner at the NTUA on the field of Organic Chemical Technology. In 1984 he gained his Doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering from the NTUA with an honour distinction while in 1986 he was elected as a Lecturer. In 1986 Dimitrios Kekos was elected as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the NTUA and 6 years later as an Associate Professor. Finally, in 2005 he was elected as a Professor on the field of Enzyme and Microbial Technology.


His research work includes a wide spectrum of Enzyme and Microbial Technology. In particular, the production, study and implementation of enzymatic systems (design of enzymatic processes) as well as the technology of microbial fermentation and the design of bioreactors aiming to produce primary and secondary metabolites (design of microbial processes). The main fields of application are referred in the Environment, Food Technology, the production of biofuels and the textile industry.


His research work includes more than 120 scientific projects in journals of science citation index as well as numerous participations in scientific conferences. Finally, he participated in more than 60 research projects and he was the research coordinator for 26 of them.




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We acknowledge support of this work by the project “Synthetic Biology: From omics technologies to genomic engineering (OMIC-ENGINE)” (MIS 5002636) which is implemented under the Action “Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure”, funded by the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020) and co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).

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