
Associate Professor, University of Patras
George P. Patrinos obtained his PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the University of Athens (Greece). He currently serves as Associate Professor of Pharmacogenomics and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Patras and holds adjunct Professorships at Erasmus MC, Faculty of Medicine in Rottetrdam (the Netherlands) and the United Arab Emirates University at the College of Medicine and the Department of Pathology, Al-Ain (UAE). Also, he is Greece’s National representative in the CHMP Pharmacogenomics Working Party of the European Medicines Agency (EMA, London, UK).
His research interests involve discovery work and clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics, genomics of rare disorders and transcriptional regulation of human fetal globin genes. His group is also internationally recognized for its involvement in developing National/Ethnic Genetic databases to document the genetic heterogeneity in different populations worldwide and of genome informatics tools to translate genomic information into a clinically meaningful format, while he also has a keen interest in public health genomics to critically assess the impact of genomics to society and public health.
George has more than 220 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and textbooks, some of them in leading scientific journals, such as Nature Genetics, Nature Rev Genet, Nucleic Acids Res, Genes Dev, and he is the Editor of the textbook “Molecular Diagnostics”, published by Academic Press, now in its 3rd edition. Furthermore, he serves as Associate Editor and member of the editorial board of several scientific journals, he has been a member of several international boards and advisory and evaluation committees and he is the main organizer of the Golden Helix Conferences, an international meeting series on Pharmacogenomics and Genomic Medicine. He has given numerous keynote and plenary lectures in international conferences as invited speaker and his research projects received funding from national and international funding agencies.