
Ioannis Kourkoutas
Associate Professor, Democritus University of Thrace
Ioannis Kourkoutas is an Associate Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology at the Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics (MBG), Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH). Ηe obtained his PhD from the Department of Chemistry (University of Patras, 2002) and worked as a Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Ulster (UK) and the University of Patras (2002-2007). He has published more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals (citations >1250), 14 chapters in books and holds 4 patents. He is a member of the editorial board of scientific journals and has served as Guest Editor for special issues as well as an evaluator of research proposals. His current research focuses on development of novel functional food products and on exploitation of agro-industrial wastes for production of high-added value products.
He has participated in many research projects funded by National & EU Grants and the Food/Agriculture Industry (totally more than 4,800,000€, coordinator in 6 of them).