
Associate Professor, University of Thessaly
Dr Katerina Moutou is an Associate Professor of Vertebrate Biology in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly. Her research focuses on the biological mechanisms that process dietary proteins and make them available for muscle growth in the Mediterranean farmed fish species. Her research culminates in the development of in vitro assays for determining dietary protein digestibility and for assessing the action of plant bioactive compounds in fish feeds as antinutritional factors that form the core of OptiFEED Services targeting the fish feed manufacturing and monitoring the qualitative characteristics of fish feeds and their impact on farmed fish performance.
She has participated in 12 projects. She was a member of the Experts’ Committee for the Evaluation of Impact Assessment of FP7 projects in the area of “Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology” and of H2020 projects in SC2 “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy”.
Currently, she coordinates the H2020 project PerformFISH aiming at improving the technical performance of the Mediterranean aquaculture. She participates in the Expert Group for the Research, Innovation & Investment Strategy of the EC FOOD2030 Initiative.