National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
About the Institution
The University of Athens inaugurated on 3rd May 1837 and is considered to be the most prestigious university in the Greece, the University of Athens has established a tradition in scholarship and constructive participation in the social sphere.
The University of Athens is confronted today with a variety of challenges, on the basis of which it is progressively articulating new goals for egalitarian education to its large numbers of students so they develop the required knowledge and skills to function as creative intellectuals and competent professionals in a rapidly changing society, which is part of the larger European community. Opposing the marketisation of university studies and the development of a highly competitive system that one encounters in institutions of tertiary education in many Western countries nowadays, it is denying its traditional role of producing an intellectual elite. Recognizing the importance of human resource development, the University of Athens aims to create closer links between the worlds of the production and the consumption of knowledge, thus contributing to social and economic development in the country.
OMIC-Engine objectives fall within the research strategy of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Athens.

Research Interests
The research being held at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Department of Pharmacy, focuses on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), analysis of molecular structure and molecular simulations. Moreover, the collaborating research laboratory studies the structure of organic and inorganic compounds as well as the drug design, in silico screening, interactions between proteins and substrates, and metabolomics.

The research infrastructure of the University of Athens includes essential Molecular Biology and Biochemistry infrastructure as well as bioreactors (0.4 – 20L volume).
Collaborating Research Laboratories
Microbial Biotechnology Unit
Professor E. Mikros mikros@pharm.uoa.gr