National Technical University of Athens
About the Institution
The National Technical University of Athens was founded in 1837 and is comprised of 9 schools and nearly 23.900 students. According to QS World Universities Ranking 2016, NTUA is the leading academic institution in Greece and the only one in the top 400 institutions worldwide. The School of Civil Engineering is in the 33rd position of the world’s best schools by specialty. NTUA is in 67th place worldwide among technological universities. The valuable work of NTUA and its international reputation are due to its well-organised educational and research system, the quality of its staff and students, and the adequacy of its technical infrastructure.
The primary institutional component of the NTUA’s mission, effected through the integrated complex of studies and research, is to provide advanced higher education of outstanding quality in science and technology. For this purpose, NTUA operates as a State University with nine Schools, self-administered by the Senate, the Rector, the Vice-Rectors, the School Presidents, representatives of the academic staff and students from every School, as well as representatives from other university bodies. The main strategy of NTUA, is not only to maintain its position as an outstanding and internationally recognised public university of science and technology, but also to strengthen that position as regarding all its basic operations. All other strategies,aims and actions must be compatible with this basic strategic choice.
OMIC-Engine objectives fall within the research strategy of the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA.

Research Interests
The applied research of the NTUA Hub and its laboratories at the School of Chemical Engineering focuses on:
Microbial Technology | Microbial metabolite production processes (organic acids, ethanol, amino acids, oligosaccharides, enzymes for industrial applications etc.)
Enzymatic Technology | Isolation, characterization, study of mechanisms, technological exploitation of enzymes for industrial applications
Bioenergy | Microbial bioconversion of lignocellulose into biofuels and enzymatic production of biodiesel
Biocatalysis – Bioconversions | Processes development for enzymatic synthesis of high-value products in conventional and non-conventional systems (organic solvents, microemulsions etc.) and bioconversion processes in cells (microbes, algae)
Metabolic Engineering

A Server with 64 CPUs, 512 GB RAM and 7,2 TB memory, an open source database system and a user-friendly graphical interface are being used for the Bioinformatics analysis.
Collaborating Research Laboratories
Biotechnology Laboratory
Professor D. Kekos kekos@chemeng.ntua.gr