Together with our partners at the the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Patras, we organise a three-day virtual Training School on methods in protein production and metabolomic analysis.

Proteins are biopolymers consisted of 20 building blocks, which are the protein amino acids. Proteins are involved in several biochemical reactions and biological functions, like energy transfer, metabolism, catalysis, synthesis signaling processes etc. The protein the in vitro studies requires usually high concentration and highly pure samples. The structural, biophysical (through a wide range of spectroscopies, thermodynamics, light scattering etc.) and functional study of proteins allow the atomic-level view of the structural, dynamical and physicochemical determinants of protein communication and function.
Additionally, metabolomics is a significant scientific field, where the identification and the quantitative analysis of the metabolites, can provide valuable information about the fate of the biochemical pathways and processes. The application of NMR spectroscopy in the analysis of biological samples (blood, serum, plasma, urine etc) is a new approach in diagnosis and clinical research.
The aim of this training school is to present several, classic or not, methods in protein production in a suitable form for structural, biophysical and functional studies and the concerted use of spectroscopies and other biophysical methods to fully characterize the protein properties and to correlate these properties with the protein function. Additionally, the NMR application in metabolomic analysis will be presented, as well.
These seminars are addressed to graduate/undergraduate students, PhD candidates, young and experienced researchers and lab scientists, to get introduced to the field of structural and biophysical study of proteins.
The Training School will be held online on 18 – 20 May 2022 and is hosted by the Biomolecular Simulation and NMR Laboratory, Node of the OMIC-Engine Research infrastructure at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Patras.
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